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Latest Summaries
You Are Not Your Brain (हिन्दी)
Jeffrey M. Schwartz और Rebecca Gladding द्वारा लिखित 'You Are Not Your Brain' हमें एक ऐसी यात्रा पर ले जाती है जहां हम विचारों और आदतो
12 Rules for Life (हिन्दी)
"12 Rules for Life" जिसे Jorden Peterson ने लिखा है एक आखें खोलने वाली किताब है। इस किताब से हमे अपनी ज़िन्दगी के मतलब औ
Flow (हिन्दी)
क्या आप creativity और संतुष्टि पाना चाहते हैं? हम सभी मनोविज्ञान, philosophy और practical insights का मिश्रण करके इस state को
The Courage To Be Disliked (हिन्दी)
Ichiro Kishimi और Fumitake Koga द्वारा लिखित The Courage To Be Disliked एक मार्गदर्शिका है जो हमें खुद को वैसे ही स्वीकार करने में
Name it! Claim it! Take it! (हिन्दी)
Dag Heward-Mills द्वारा Name it! Claim it! Take it! से Positive manifestation की ताकत की खोज करें और अपने सपनों को साकार करें।
The 8 Rituals of Visionary Leaders (हिन्दी)
The 8 Rituals of Visionary Leaders में visionary नेतृत्व की दुनिया में आपका स्वागत है, जहां extraordinary norm बन जाता है। असाधारण नेत
Master Your Emotions (हिन्दी)
"Master Your Emotions" की transformative power की खोज करें। अपने emotions को control करने और समझने के लिए practical strategies का पता लगाएं। गुस्सा,
Rich Dad's Guide To Investing (हिन्दी)
आप "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" में assets और liabilities की ताकत खोजें। Assets से income generate होती है, जबकि liability इसे निकालती हैं। Kiyosaki सल
10% Happier (हिन्दी)
एक ऐसी दुनिया में आपका स्वागत है जहां skeptics seekers बन जाते हैं और खुशी practical मोड़ लेती है। Stress और distractions वाल
Chicken Soup for the Soul (हिन्दी)
Jack Canfield और Mark Victor Hansen द्वारा लिखी गई "Chicken Soup for the Soul" हमें उम्मीद (hope) देती है इस chaotic society में जहां बहुत pressure है। इस
Make Time (हिन्दी)
Jake Knapp और John Zeratsky की "Make Time" उन लोगों के लिए अवश्य पढ़ी जाने वाली किताब है जो समय का सदुपयोग करना चाहते है
Mental Diets (हिन्दी)
Neville Goddard द्वारा लिखित "Mental Diets" हमें दिमाग के लिए कई तरह के सोचने वाली बातें प्रदान करता है। Mindset ही सभी
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I came across a quote by Lloyd Alexander which said “My concern is how we learn to be genuine human beings” and found this quote in you, Amit. Due to some unpleasant life experiences, I had lost faith in people and considered them all fake. However, after interacting with you, I realized the importance of being genuine. You showed me light and helped rekindle my genuine self. Thanks for rekindling the candle of authenticity.
When life hits you badly, you don't find happiness in anything. I was like that, a body without soul or meaning but then I met Amit and I was like “Smile as often as possible". A person with a magical personality and a genuine smile. A few minutes of interaction with him changed me. Now I smile, I sing, I celebrate, I win, I love, I just lead life as it is meant to be
Life was getting really tough and I longed for MAGIC. So registered for Amit’s MAGIC event in January 2023. In the event, interacted with him during lunch and his command on Law of Attraction really impressed me. He suggested I question my thought process and construct anew one. I had attended workshops in the past, but his answers were unique and personalized. I look forward to more one-on-one conversations with him to unlock abundance blocks.
I was searching for public speaking courses, but was terrified by the prices. Then, I stumbled upon Amit's free course on the subject, and it was a gold mine. I highly recommend checking out his courses on his YouTube channel, Readers Books Club. It takes a big heart to offer such valuable resources for free. Thank you, Amit, for thinking of people like me. You have a lifelong fan here!
I can't help but be in awe of Amit sir's knowledge and expertise. He's like a walking library, always ready to help and offer solutions to any problem you throw at him. His passion for learning and sharing his knowledge is truly inspiring. Every time I talk to him, I learn something new. I feel incredibly blessed to have him as a mentor. Thank you, Amit sir, for being such a great source of wisdom.
I was skeptical about the Law of Attraction until a friend introduced me to Amit's videos, which convinced me of their validity. Amit is an authority on the subject and one can easily compare him to the Indian male version of Rhonda Byrne. I express my gratitude towards Amit for transforming my beliefs and equipping me with the tools of the Law of Attraction.
I used to think books were a waste of money, preferring dinners or shopping. But now, I can't get enough of them, and all thanks to Amit sir. He's like a walking library. His ability to suggest the perfect book for any situation is impressive, and it feels like magic when he recommends a book that speaks to my life. Thanks to his recommendations, I've become a better person. Kudos to you, Amit!
I've encountered people with small followings who try to bring others down before lifting them up. However, when I met Amit, he immediately made me feel like a winner. He didn't let my bad lucks get me down and instead made me feel grateful for my life. I feel fortunate to know him because he helps me see the positives in myself despite my flaws. Amit, you truly are a gem.